Saturday, 29 September 2012


AUTOMATIC TOILET Tube. Duration : 0.38 Mins.

this is the ultimate cool gadget for the bathroom.... totally automated.... even the flushing system has a sensor built in ... what next a hand that slides out and wipes your butt .... the Japanese think of everything ..... it even has a butt dryer built in there !!!!

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

SintesiBagno ai Soliti Ignoti! Il nostro successo in internet ci ha portato in televisione ...

SintesiBagno ai Soliti Ignoti! Il nostro successo in internet ci ha portato in televisione ... Video Clips. Duration : 8.53 Mins. La nota trasmissione condotta su RAI UNO da Fabrizio Frizzi - sempre alla ricerca di personaggi dai lavori piuttosto "inusuali" - cercando qualche riferimento in Google per una figura professionale che potesse corrispondere al "venditore di copriwater e scopini per WC" ha trovato Sintesi Bagno al primo posto! Siamo quindi stati interpellati dalla redazione di Soliti Ignoti per partecipare alla serata speciale dedicata alla beneficenza di venerdì 22 maggio 2010 che ha visto come protagonisti il Signor Frassica e il Signor D'Alessio. Accanto al nostro "attore", fra i personaggi da disvelare, alcune protagoniste del panorama televisivo e della fiction come Elena Ossala ed Elisabetta Pellini ...

Monday, 24 September 2012

Joe Yacoobi and the Toilet Seat of Destiny: Part Dos (Part 1 of 2)

Joe Yacoobi and the Toilet Seat of Destiny: Part Dos (Part 1 of 2) Video Clips. Duration : 5.75 Mins.

A one-word description: epic. The second half is posted in the video response section. Cast: Joey Zanaboni Jim Benedick David Kirner Paul Bubash Joe Scariot Mark Holzum Pat Lynch John Fernandez Nick Wallner

Saturday, 22 September 2012

How To Use a Public Toilet Without Picking Up a Disease

How To Use a Public Toilet Without Picking Up a Disease Video Clips. Duration : 1.73 Mins.

Watch more Personal Hygiene videos: Subscribe to Howcast's YouTube Channel - Use a public toilet without picking up a disease by following these rules. Howcast uploads the highest quality how-to videos daily! Be sure to check out our playlists for guides that interest you: Subscribe to Howcast's other YouTube Channels: Howcast Health Channel - Howcast Video Games Channel - Howcast Tech Channel - Howcast Food Channel - Howcast Arts & Recreation Channel - Howcast Sports & Fitness Channel - Howcast Personal Care & Style Channel - Howcast empowers people with engaging, useful how-to information wherever, whenever they need to know how. Emphasizing high-quality instructional videos, Howcast brings you experts who provide accurate information in easy-to-follow tutorials on everything from makeup, hairstyling, nail art design, and soccer to parkour, skateboarding, dancing, kissing, and much, much more. Step 1: Choose the right stall Choose the first or last stall. The middle ones usually get the most traffic, and therefore contain the most bacteria. Step 2: Hang your bag If you're carrying a bag, hang it on the hook. If there's no hook, hang it around your neck. Researchers have found that one-third of women's purses have fecal bacteria on the bottom. Step 3: Sit the hell down Go ahead and sit down. You can't catch anything -- even if the seat is sprinkled with urine -- as long as you don't ...

Thursday, 20 September 2012

A Public Bus Ride Ayutthaya to Sukhothai, Thailand

A Public Bus Ride Ayutthaya to Sukhothai, Thailand Video Clips. Duration : 1.20 Mins. Don't be afraid to take a public bus in Thailand. The higher class buses are usually very nice. First class has reclining seats, toilets on board, air conditioning and even an on-board attendant to answer questions, show you to your reserved seat. There is also an opportunity to take one of the so-called "chicken buses" if you are really strapped for cash and don't mind being uncomfortable. They also show videos, television shows and movies for most of the route and fares are very reasonable. The five-hour journey from Ayutthaya to Sukhothai passed quickly.

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

The Best of The Billy T James Collection Part 2

The Best of The Billy T James Collection Part 2 Tube. Duration : 6.92 Mins.

Billy T's unique brand of humour is captured here at its affable, non-PC best in this compilation of skits from his popular 80s TV shows. There's Te News ("... someone pinched all the toilet seats out of the Kaikohe Police Station ... now the cops have got nothing to go on!") with Billy in iconic black singlet and yellow towel; a bro's guide to home improvement; the first contact skits, and Turangi Vice. No target is sacred (God, The IRA) and there are classic spoofs of Pixie Caramel's "last requests" and Lands For Bags' "where'd you get your bag" ads.

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Mata Nui Online Game 2: Part 22 - Bad Toilet Seats!

Mata Nui Online Game 2: Part 22 - Bad Toilet Seats! Video Clips. Duration : 11.70 Mins.

Download Bionicle Games:

Thursday, 13 September 2012




Standard size round - 14.5" x 15.5"


  • Standard size round - 14.5" x 15.5"
  • Includes nylon hinges and hardware
  • Made from MDF wood wrapped with PVC veneer to look like marble
(as of Sep 13, 2012 13:10:09 PST – Details)
List Price : $21.95
Our Price : $19.99
You Save : 9%


Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Known Error Justlena Story Season 2 Episode 27

Known Error Justlena Story Season 2 Episode 27 Video Clips. Duration : 1.28 Mins.

Hi lovelies: ) Just wanna thank ya'll for you people that wished I would get better, and guess what?! I'm still a bit stuffed up but I'm back to my creative self: ) Hope you enjoy! ----------- Justin's POV (skipping to Saturday evening; night of the premiere) I held Selena's hand as we drove over to my mom's house. Alfredo was in the backseat playing who-knows-what. We were going to get ready there and wait for our car to come pick up. Carly, Scooter, Alfredo, Sel and me. I drove up to the drive way, waiting for the gates to open, and sure enough Carly's and Scooter's cars were already there. I parked the Batmobile behind mom's car, and stepped out to open Selena's door. "Thank you," she said, and took my hand. "Hey! Hey! Open the door!" Alfredo's muffled yells caught our attention. I realized had locked the car. I unlocked it, and Selena started to laugh at Fredo. "Next time, please step out of the car instead of playing I don't know what," Selena continued laughing. "It's not my fault, that stupid explorer in Temple Run keeps falling off," Fredo joked. I laughed and rubbed Selena's stomach as we headed for the house. I felt Teddy and Miracle's little kicks. "And I think the twins are laughing at you too," I said, without turning around. "Well that's because they know Uncle Fredo from Puerto Rico is going to be a good, funny uncle," he chuckled. "Oh man, you two dorks," Selena sighed. --------- Selena's POV "CARLY! PATTIE! CAN YOU HELP ME?" I yelled from the restroom, in ...

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Gandhi Has ADD

Gandhi Has ADD Tube. Duration : 0.87 Mins.

One of the many songs from the much missed show Clone High. Featuring Zach Braff as Paul Revere. Did you hear, did you hear? Gandhi has ADD Incurable disease. Did you hear, did you hear? Don't tell Paul Revere! Gandhi is contagious! Totally outrageous! A disease with initials, that's the worst kind. ADD has warped his mind. Did you hear, did you hear? Don't tell Paul Revere! Don't tell Paul Revere! Don't tell Paul Revere! Too late! Barrump! Barrump! Barrump, Barrump, Barrump! Gandhi has ADD, Gandhi has ADD You get it from toilet seats! Use a protective sheet! Attention Deficit Disorder! ADD!

Thursday, 6 September 2012



I'm Joe Schmidt with Home Remodel Workshop. Today were going to show you how to get that toilet installed. In this situation where the flange is actually sitting on top of the finish surface, you want just a standard wax ring in standard length John bolts. In this circumstance where the flange itself is actually below the finish flow surface, you're going to want to get yourself and extended wax ring and longer bolts. As you can see this wax ring is much thicker than the standard wax ring. I personally like the John bolts that have the extra washer built on to it. It helps the bolts stand up very easily. Youll notice the head of this bolt clipped square. They fit down into this square slot on your flange and just slide them in. Now you're ready to apply your wax ring to the flange. There is a flat side on the wax ring, it goes down against the flange taper side up. Just apply the wax to the flange, center the wax and bolts over the opening and you're ready to go. Now set the toilet onto the flange. Pick up the toilet and carefully line up your bolts with the openings in the bottom of the toilet and once you get both bolts through press down evenly and wont mess the wax ring. When you're setting you're toilet you want to press straight down, keep an even pressure on your wax gasket. This is the connection to your plumbing system and it needs to be airtight watertight. Do not rock back and forth or front to back or you'll end up with a leaky seal which could lead sure gases ...

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

I Can Be Your Ranger

I Can Be Your Ranger Video Clips. Duration : 4.33 Mins.

The official song of the Cedarbough Ontario Rangers, 2006 Lyrics: Would you swim with the veggie leeches? Would you sit through three hours of WHIMIS Would you strip with 21 girls On your second day of camp? Would you listen to Adam squared Who knew nothing about black bears? Would you canoe for 60 hours In wet, mouldy workboots? I can be your Ranger baby I can kiss away the bites Workboots and hard hats forever We are Ontario Rangers Would you stare down the barrel Or Sylvester's semi-automatic gun? We all now use the communal shitter To avoid poison ivy on the forbidden place I can be your Ranger baby I can kiss away the bites Clippers and sandviks forever We are Ontario Rangers (solo on erhu) Thank you Sandbar For stealing our showerheads And teaching us how to pee without toilet seats I can be your Ranger baby I can kiss away the bites Workboots and hart hats forevah We are Ontario Rangers I can beeee your Ranger I can kiss away the bites Workboot and sandviks forever We are Ontario Rangers We are Ontario Rangers You are Ontario Rangers

Big John Toilet Seat

Big John Toilet Seat Video Clips. Duration : 1.00 Mins.

My friend Gary has invented the greatest toilet seat ever. We did this commercial in our spare time over the course of a month.

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Ace Nuke

Ace Nuke Tube. Duration : 0.63 Mins.